Gemeente Landsmeer Business directory Page 26

> Netherlands > North Holland > Gemeente Landsmeer

Business entries of Gemeente Landsmeer are gathered here with address, opening hours and ratings. You can register your own business entry or association here.

Gemeente Landsmeer entries

There were 665 entries found

Noordeinde 102
1121 AH Landsmeer

 020 4826911
 020 4826911

Rhynestein 68
1121 VE Landsmeer

 020 4822747
 020 4822765

Patrijzenweg 16
1121 EZ Landsmeer


Goudpluvier 25
1121 HV Landsmeer

 020 4822590
 020 4826254

Duinkerker 8
1121 JJ Landsmeer

 020 4824895

Van Beekstraat 40
1121 NP Landsmeer

 020 4821332

Wederikstraat 25
1121 XH Landsmeer

 020 4823834
 020 6819772

Stoutenburg 30
1121 GH Landsmeer

 020 4825842

Purmerland 97
1451 MJ Purmerland


Dorpsstraat 25
1121 BT Landsmeer


Dr Martin Luther Kingstr 2
1121 CP Landsmeer


Assumburg 27
1121 EB Landsmeer

 020 4820115

Zuideinde 31
1121 CJ Landsmeer


Den Ilp 8
1127 PA Den Ilp

 020 4822510
 020 4822603

Ilpenstein 8
1121 GT Landsmeer


Tormentil 2c
1121 BR Landsmeer


Talingweg 1
1121 VJ Landsmeer


Den Ilp 10
1127 PA Den Ilp

 020 4823952
 020 4824054

Postbus 119
1120 AC Landsmeer

 020 4820918
 020 4820919

Meervalwg 118
1121 LE Landsmeer

 020 4823475

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Cities & surrounding

Gemeente Landsmeer branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Gemeente Landsmeer in this month. This month 7 companies were registered, 14 were updated and 61 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Gemeente Landsmeer December 2024Diagram Gemeente LandsmeerDiagram Gemeente Landsmeer December 2024DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Gemeente Landsmeer with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Gemeente Landsmeer 2024Statistics Gemeente LandsmeerStatistics Gemeente Landsmeer 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Gemeente Landsmeer