Gemeente Zoetermeer Business directory Page 58

> Netherlands > South Holland > Gemeente Zoetermeer

Gemeente Zoetermeer entries of companies, associations and organizations are listed here with address, hours and reviews of customers. You can register your own company entry or organization on this page.

Gemeente Zoetermeer entries

There were 6342 entries found

Postbus 746
2700 AS Zoetermeer

 079 3426182
 079 3431362

Vlasakker 15
2723 TP Zoetermeer

 079 3423570

Biggenweide 44
2727 GS Zoetermeer


Kentgenspln 24
2717 HS Zoetermeer

 079 3517538

Pinaskade 53
2725 EN Zoetermeer


Samanthagang 50
2719 CK Zoetermeer

 079 3616465
 079 3621628

Bredewater 24
2715 CA Zoetermeer


Industriewg 3
2712 LA Zoetermeer

 079 3411949
 079 3422791

Galvanistr 46
2723 RV Zoetermeer

 079 3314596
 079 3416583

Ligusterpk 13
2724 HH Zoetermeer

 079 3413270
 079 3432604

Weidedreef 50
2727 EK Zoetermeer

 079 5938779
 079 3310170

Platinastraat 84
2718 RX Zoetermeer

 079.363 42 42
 079.360 08 15

Eerste Stationsstraat 185
2712 HG Zoetermeer

 31 79 3170700
 31 79 3165800

Koperstraat 50
2718 RE Zoetermeer


D Ellingtonrode 20
2717 BM Zoetermeer

 079 3521112
 079 3521112

Meerpolder 11
2717 PA Zoetermeer

 079 3511469
 079 3511469

Plesmanstr 6
2722 NV Zoetermeer

 079 3301102
 079 3301101

Stadhoudersring 780
2713 GZ Zoetermeer

 31 15-3640889

Postbus 7228
2701 AE Zoetermeer

 079 3316961
 079 3316464

Scheveningsebos 93
2716 HX Zoetermeer

 079 3522202
 079 3522202

<< 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 >>

Aliexpress INT

Cities & surrounding

Gemeente Zoetermeer branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Gemeente Zoetermeer in this month. This month 30 companies were registered, 19 were updated and 1 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Gemeente Zoetermeer December 2024Diagram Gemeente ZoetermeerDiagram Gemeente Zoetermeer December 2024New registrationUpdateDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Gemeente Zoetermeer with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Gemeente Zoetermeer 2024Statistics Gemeente ZoetermeerStatistics Gemeente Zoetermeer 20240153045607590November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:Gemeente Zoetermeer