Metals, precious and special Business directory Page 5

> Business Directory > Metallurgy and Metalworking > Metals, precious and special

Metals, precious and special entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here containing informations of contact-data, operation hours and reviews of customers. You can register your own company entry or association here.

Metals, precious and special entries

There were 1881 entries found INT

Walstr 95
7411 GL Deventer

 0570 649770

Maast Heidenstr 6
6211 HV Maastricht

 043 3212225
 043 3212225

L Springerln 222
2033 TG Haarlem

 023 5366567
 023 5366567

Nescioplnts 26
1321 BJ Almere

 036 5362063

Osdorper Ban 100
1068 MK Amsterdam

 020 6198803

Zuidpln Hg 824
3083 BR Rotterdam

 010 4812412

Kerkpad 11
4818 PK Breda

 076 5223837

Bovenstestr 68
6101 EL Echt

 0475 342333

De Gaullesngl 88
6716 LD Ede Gld

 0318 632961

Molenstr 25
5431 BW Cuyk

 0485 316252

Goudpluviersngl 25
3435 EW Nieuwegein

 030 6037261
 030 6037261

Nieuwlandstr 34
5038 SN Tilburg

 013 5802816

Lisztstr 9
5751 EV Deurne

 0493 310936

Gasthuisstr 20
4461 JS Goes

 0113 232655

Steenhoffstr 13
3764 BH Soest

 035 6032675
 035 6032676

Amstenraderwg 48
6431 EM Hoensbroek

 045 5630414

Postbus 9327
1800 GH Alkmaar

 06 30024311

Lokstreek 4
9551 TL Sellingen

 0599 326732

Torenstr 28
9671 EE Winschoten

 0597 412184

Hemmerbuurt 19
1607 CC Hem

 0228 542676

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Cities & surrounding

Metals, precious and special branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Metals, precious and special in this month. This month 7 companies were registered, 52 were updated and 43 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Metals, precious and special December 2024Diagram Metals, precious and specialDiagram Metals, precious and special December 2024UpdateDeleteNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Metals, precious and special with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Metals, precious and special 2024Statistics Metals, precious and specialStatistics Metals, precious and special 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics