Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries Business directory Page 417

> Business Directory > Travel, Tourism and Leisure > Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries

There were 28126 entries found INT

Grotestraat 40
7607 CP A Almelo


Vd Hagenstr 9
2722 NT Zoetermeer

 079 3422509
 079 3422509

V Heeckerenstr 10
9163 GZ Nes Ameland

 0519 542760
 0519 543036

Ameidestr 16
5701 NP Helmond

 0492 528497 INT

Spuidamstrv 14
4694 CK Scherpenisse


Boekelsedijk 17
5404 NK Uden


Kudelstaartsewg 228
1433 GR Kudelstaart

 0297 324145
 0297 360181

Klimmenderstraat 6
6343 AC Klimmen


Vordensewg 6
7241 SB Lochem

 0573 289400
 0573 289429

Gentsestr 1
4561 EH Hulst

 0114 374963
 0114 374913

Akerstraat Noord 204
6431 HS Hoensbroek


Broekhusterwei 2
8495 HJ Aldeboarn


Parallel Boulev 2
2202 HP Noordwyk Zh

 071 3615720

Bizetlaan 1
3533 KC Utrecht

 31.(30) 291 03 66
 31.(30) 294 20 66

Grote Beerstraat 7
3331 TA Zwijndrecht


Formerum 63
8894 KC Terschelling Formerum


Doelenplein 7
2611 BP Delft


Oudeland 104
3335 VJ Zwyndrecht

 078 6103140
 078 6103140

Poelestr 3
9711 PG Groningen

 050 3135155

Burg Lettewg 14
3233 AG Oostvoorne

 0181 480686

Aliexpress INT

Cities & surrounding

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 3 were updated and 4 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesDiagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesStatistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics