Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries Business directory Page 49

> Business Directory > Travel, Tourism and Leisure > Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries

There were 28126 entries found

Hyacintenlaan 70
1215 BD Hilversum


Schiedamsewg 230
3025 AP A Rotterdam

 010 4779828


Cinemadreef 194
1325 ER Almere

 036 5353371
 036 5353371

War Thunder INT

Zuidplein Hoog 740
3083 BP Rotterdam


Industriestraat 59
1976 CT Ijmuiden


Koolzaadveld 67
6641 SV Beuningen Gld

 024 6775634

Schelde 30
5751 VH Deurne


Corio Center 3
6411 LX Heerlen


Stationsplein 5a
4702 VX Roosendaal

 31.(165) 55 54 00
 31.(165) 56 06 60

Reyndersweg 2
1951 LA Velsen-noord


De Holle Bilt 1 De
3732 HM Bilt

 31.(30) 220 58 11
 31.(30) 220 28 12

Buorren 35
8525 EC Langweer


Haagweg 18
2282 AA Rijswijk Zh


Leenderwg 57
5614 HL Eindhoven

 040 2119021

Harderwijkerstraat 1
3881 ED Putten


Heerenweg 51
6414 AC Heerlen


Wielakkerstr 4
6811 DB Arnhem

 026 4457626

Oude Langendijk 23
2611 GL Delft


K Putstr 14
5211 KP S Hertogenbosch

 073 6142742
 073 6120209

<< 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 >> INT

Cities & surrounding

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 5 were updated and 6 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesDiagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesStatistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics