Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries Business directory Page 536

> Business Directory > Travel, Tourism and Leisure > Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries

There were 28126 entries found

Amstellandlaan 106
1382 CH Weesp


Boschstraat 19
4811 GA Breda


Kr Weele 1
4331 PA Middelburg

 0118 615212

Industrieweg 82
7061 AV Terborg


Stratumseind 28
5611 ET Eindhoven


Hoogstraat 105
5615 PB Eindhoven


Dr M L Kingsngl 66
9203 JC Drachten

 0512 544865
 0512 544882

Akkerwg 39
1779 GJ Den Oever

 0227 512030
 0227 512190

Lithsedijk 17
5397 EA Lith


Heuvellaan 21
3016 GL Rotterdam


Zevenbergsewg 21
4871 NJ Etten Leur

 0168 370009

Willemsplein 1
3016 DN Rotterdam

 31.(10) 413 47 90
 31.(10) 412 78 90

Dam 9
1012 JS Amsterdam

 020 5549111
 020 4229283

Peperstr 23
9711 PC Groningen

 050 3181341

Varkensmarkt 7
4001 LV Tiel

 0344 633583

Herenstraat 2
2282 BT A Rijswijk Zh

 070 3193565

M V Heemskerckstr 10
1961 EB Heemskerk

 0251 239901

Nieuwe Rijn 37
2312 JG Leiden


Kleine Overstraat 38
7411 JM Deventer


Grt Marktstr 15
2511 BH S Gravenhage

 070 3635760 INT

Cities & surrounding

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries in this month. This month 1 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesDiagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025DeleteNew registrationUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesStatistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics