Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries Business directory Page 844

> Business Directory > Travel, Tourism and Leisure > Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here containing informations of contact-address, hours and experience reports of users. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries entries

There were 28126 entries found

Middelgronden 3
8531 NM Lemmer


Stationswg 1
1251 KC Laren Nh

 035 5382024

L Tiendewg 49
2801 KE Gouda

 0182 529733
 0182 529733

Markeloseweg 54
7461 EE Rijssen

 548513796 INT

Irenestraat 40
5256 GK Heusden Gem Heusden


Kaai 16
4524 CK A Sluis

 0117 461498
 0117 461807

Westhaven 4
2801 PH Gouda

 0182 517572
 0182 551326

Focco Ukenalaan 2
9902 GB A Appingedam

 0596 624390

Zijlw 22
2051 BB A Overveen

 023 5277232
 023 5257089

Stationsplein 4
8071 CH Nunspeet


Hoofdstraat 122
7921 AR Zuidwolde Dr


Uraniumweg 27
3542 AK /to Utrecht


Koepoortstraat 10
4331 SL Middelburg


Wilhelminalaan 21
6301 GG Valkenburg Lb


Voorstraat 1
3231 BE Brielle


Kattengat 1
1012 SZ Amsterdam

 020 5512044
 020 6275245

Sontweg 18
9723 AT Groningen


Eibergsestr 68
7481 HM Haaksbergen

 053 5721553
 053 5727609

Kerkstr 5
6441 BA Brunssum

 045 5252775
 045 5250365

Wezerweg 13
5855 EM Well Lb

 478501546 INT

Cities & surrounding

Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries branches and surrounding

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Economic activity February 2025

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries in this month. This month 10 companies were registered, 20 were updated and 22 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025Diagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesDiagram Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries February 2025DeleteUpdateNew registrationNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2025

The statistics show the economic development of Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025Statistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveriesStatistics Restaurants, caterers and meal deliveries 2025020406080100January 2025December 2024November 2024October 2024September 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics