Shipbuilding Business directory Page 19

> Business Directory > Automotive and Vehicles > Boats > Shipbuilding

Shipbuilding entries of companies, associations and organizations are gathered here with contact, hours and experience reports of users. You can register your own company entry or organization on this page.

Shipbuilding entries

There were 458 entries found INT

Kramerswei 6
8723 EW Koudum

 0514 521722
 0514 521070

Industriestr 16-20
1976 CV Ymuiden

 0255 515890
 0255 534898

Waalhaven Nz 35
3087 BH Rotterdam

 010 2830274
 010 4296106

L Haven 68
3111 CH B Schiedam

 010 4271351 INT

Bunkerhaven 24
6051 LR Maasbracht

 0475 461748
 0475 465626

Neer 5
5172 DE Kaatsheuvel

 0416 280902
 0416 280902

Stationswg 60
4538 AD Terneuzen

 0115 697240
 0115 621285

Parallelwg 124unit 12
1948 NN Beverwyk

 023 5490335
 023 5490337

Sumatrakd 735
1019 PV Amsterdam

 020 4881102
 020 6847513

Vlakwater 1
1601 EV Enkhuizen

 0228 315756
 0228 318215

Spaans Leger 17
1601 PB Enkhuizen

 0228 315929

Leeuwerikstr 10
2922 GK Krimpen Ad Yssel

 0180 513005
 0180 513005

Ringdk 504
2987 VZ A Ridderkerk

 0180 464699
 0180 465420


T Schwartzestr 62
1328 CE Almere

 036 5407140
 036 5407139

Borneokd 114
1019 AW Amsterdam

 020 4181192
 020 4199370

Parallelwg 18
8603 XB Sneek

 0515 433051
 0515 433092

Schulppln 5
3087 NA Rotterdam

 010 4299930
 010 4951380

Utrechtse Jaagpad 122
2314 AV A Leiden

 071 5891116
 071 5891116

Sigmondstr 7
4251 ZA B Werkendam

 0183 501116

Zaag 27
2931 LD Krimpen Aan De Lek

 0180 519988
 0180 519256

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Aliexpress INT

Cities & surrounding

Shipbuilding branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of Shipbuilding in this month. This month 11 companies were registered, 31 were updated and 6 businesses were canceled.

Diagram Shipbuilding December 2024Diagram ShipbuildingDiagram Shipbuilding December 2024UpdateNew registrationDeleteNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of Shipbuilding with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics Shipbuilding 2024Statistics ShipbuildingStatistics Shipbuilding 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics