South Holland Business directory Page 358

> Netherlands > South Holland

South Holland entries of companies, administrations and associations are gathered here with informations of contact-address, hours and reviews of customers. You can add your own business entry or organization here.

South Holland entries

There were 159857 entries found INT

Produktieweg 5
2382 PA Zoeterwoude

 071.581 21 00
 071.581 21 50


W Nagelln 17
3054 BV Rotterdam

 06 25118297

Donker Duyvisweg 44
3316 BM Dordrecht


Bredewater 16
2701 GG Zoetermeer

 31 79 3207474
 31 79 3207702 INT

Rotterdamseweg 196
2628 AR Delft


Keileweg 8
PB 6014
3029 BS Rotterdam


Schuttevaerweg 160
PB 11018
3044 BB Rotterdam


A De Graaflaan 20
2481 KL Woubrugge


Prof. Kaiserstraat 21
2562 KA Den Haag

 31 70 3364900
 31 70 3364901

Dr. Molenwaterplein 50
3015 GE Rotterdam

 31 10 4361760

Ambachtsherenwg 54
2381 VP Zoeterwoude

 071 5315086

Postbus 2016
2470 AA Zwammerdam

 0172 642381
 0172 642203

Frans Halslaan 39
2343 EA Oegstgeest

Pr. Margrietlaan 3
2404 HA Alphen Aan Den Rijn

 31 33 4808919
 31 33 4807431

Taxusstraat 20
3061 HT Rotterdam

 31 30 2570002
 31 30 2570245

Waaier 21
2451 VV Leimuiden



Brusselwg 105
3137 NL Vlaardingen

 010 4745058

Willem De Zwijgerstraat 10
2411 VV Bodegraven

 +31 172 61 93 33
 +31 172 61 29 66

Weegje 16
3295 CT S-gravendeel


Zoeterwoudsewg 3
2321 GL Leiden

 071 5311121
 071 5761941

Cities & surrounding

South Holland branches and surrounding

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Economic activity December 2024

The pie chart of shows the economic activities of South Holland in this month. This month 2 companies were registered, 1 were updated and 2 businesses were canceled.

Diagram South Holland December 2024Diagram South HollandDiagram South Holland December 2024New registrationDeleteUpdateNew registrationUpdateDelete Diagram

Economic development statistics 2024

The statistics show the economic development of South Holland with the following facts and figures. You can download the graphic of the statistics chart.

Statistics South Holland 2024Statistics South HollandStatistics South Holland 2024020406080100November 2024October 2024September 2024August 2024July 2024Number of business activitiesNew registrationUpdateDelete Statistics

Geographic information

Place name:South Holland